This system is in beta. If you encounter issues, please contact support.
GriselTester is requesting authorization to:
Access your account details, energy usage, and bills.
This includes your account number, service address, rate plan, meter readings, and utility bill line items.
Data Categories:
  • These are properties about your utility account, including:

    • Customer Name (e.g. "John Smith" or "Joe's Construction")
    • Billing Address (e.g. "123 Main St, Anytown, CA 12345")
    • Account Number (e.g. "123456789-0")
    • Service Address (e.g. "123 Main St, Anytown, CA 12345")
    • Service Rate Plan (e.g. "Tariff A1")
    • Meter Number (e.g. "100000012345-1111")
    • Connection Details (e.g. "Voltage: 240")
    • Program Participation Details (e.g. "Home DR Program")

    Also, when you authorize both account details and utility bills, the shared data will include pdf copies of your utility bills.

    Email addresses and phone numbers on file at the utility will NOT be shared.
  • These are the usage readings from your meter.

    If you have a smart meter, these will be 15-minute or 1 hour interval readings (e.g. "1:00 pm - 1:15 pm = 1.25 kWh").

    If you don't have a smart meter, these will be your monthly meter readings (e.g. "1/1/2021 - 1/31/2021 = 103 kWh").
  • These are details of your utility bills, including:

    • Bill Start/End/Statement Dates (e.g. "1/1/2020")
    • Rate Plan (e.g. "Tariff A1")
    • Total Usage (e.g. 150 kWh)
    • Line Items (e.g. "Tier 1: 150 kWh x 0.10 = $15.00")
    • Program Details (e.g. "NEM Tracked Charges: -$255.98")
    • Supplier Details (e.g. "Supplier: ABC Supply, Rate NEM A1")
    • Supplier Line Items (e.g. "Generation Charges: $202.02")

    Also, when you authorize both utility bills and account details, your front-page bill details will be shared, including:

    • Total Amount Due (e.g. $102.03)
    • Due Date (e.g. 1/18/2021)
    • Previous Payment Amount (e.g. "$202.02 on 1/2/2021")
    • Payment Plans (e.g. "Budget billing enabled")
  • This is a reading of your meter usage at the current point in time. This reading is only available from smart meters.

These are the categories of data you can choose to share with this third party. You can see more details on what specific data fields are shared in each category by clicking on the information icon beside each category.

Both historical and ongoing data
Share historical energy usage and bills going back 2 years, and continue to share energy usage and bills for 3 years.
  • When you share your historical data, we will go back in your account and share the authorized data categories (account details, energy usage, and/or bills) going back as far as you authorize.

    If you don't want to share historical data, simply choose the "No historical data shared" option.

  • When you share ongoing data, we will make new data available to the company you authorized for however long you choose. For example, if you share bill data ongoing for 2 years, we'll make the next 2 years of bills available as they get issued.

    If you don't want to ongoing data, simply choose the "No ongoing data shared" option.

These determine what timespan of data we share with the third party. You can choose to share both historical and ongoing (e.g. future) data, and specify a cutoff time when you want data sharing to stop.

For all of your services
Share above data for all of your services (e.g. meters).
Select which services (e.g. meters) to share:

At the utility, you may have multiple "services" which are usually metered connection points under a specific rate contract (e.g. "tariff").

For residential customers, you usually have only one or a couple of services.

For commercial customers, you can have dozens or hundreds of services spread across all your locations.

When choosing to authorize data access, you can pick and choose which services (e.g. meters) you want to share, or you can choose to share data for all your services.

  • ()
    Here's the list of all your current services:
    NOTE: If you add services to your accounts in the future, they will automatically be shared. If you don't want that to happen, use the "Select specific services" option below and check all services you want to share.

  • Account No. Service Address Service Type
    Found matches for ""
    Nothing found that matches ""

If you have multiple services (e.g. meters) associated with your utility account. You can choose to share data for all of your services or just some of them.

How your data will be used:

Testing customer data Written by GriselTester
You can revoke your authorization at any time. We will email you a receipt.
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